Pairs Rules

We have laid out the rules and guidelines to provide clarity and ensure maximum enjoyment for all entrants. We expect matches to be played in the true spirit of the game and for competitors to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all time

Rules of the Competitions

  1. The championship will be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as laid down by The R&A.
  2. We strongly recommend that competitors carry an up-to-date Rules of Golf book so that any queries during play can be resolved immediately and without delay.
  3. The championship will be a matchplay knock-out format.
  4. The entry fee for the Matchplay Pairs is £50.00 
  5. Entries close for the Matchplay pairs at 22:00 on 12th April 2024
  6. Once accepted entries can be withdrawn prior to the entry closing date. No Refunds will be made after to the entry closing date.
  7. Entry is open to amateur male and female golfers, aged 16 when the competition commences
  8. Each competitor must have a World Handicap system handicap issued by an affiliated golf club and have played in a minimum of 6 handicap qualifying competitions during the previous calendar year. Handicaps must remain from the date of entry and throughout involvement in the competition. Current handicap certificates must be taken to each match and shown to the opponents before the match commences. If a competitor does not provide a handicap certificate on the day of the match he must provide proof of handicap to the Tournament director within 48 hours of completion of the match if requested by the opponents. The opponent will inform the tournament director of any such request. In order to preserve the integrity of  competition, the organisers’ reserve the right to disqualify any player or players from the tournament in the event that the tournament committee determines, in its absolute discretion, that a player’s handicap is inaccurate when compared with their actual playing ability. The tournament committee will determine whether a player’s handicap is inaccurate by taking into consideration any or all the following:
    • Handicap history review;
    • Previous tournament/competition results;
    • Current sanctions from any other national golf tournaments or from any County or National golf administrative bodies;
    • Judgement on the relevance of completed competitions within the past 12 months;
    • Complaints which are in the public domain and any other handicap inconsistencies that are brought to our attention
  9. Entrants must be a member of an affiliated  golf club in England, Scotland or Wales
  10. Entrants can only represent one golf club.
  11. The exact region boundaries will be determined at the closing date based on the location of the entrant’s golf club. The competition will be split into North and South regions
  12. When entering the competition, players do not have to be from the same golf clubs. A ‘home’ course however, must be nominated for any home matches and should be used throughout the tournament (unless mutually agreed by both sides to change). Player 1’s course will be deemed to be the home course unless you inform the Tournament Organiser otherwise before the closing date.
  13. No changes can be made to the names of the entrants or playing partners after the 1st match has been played (i.e. due to injury/illness/work commitments/holidays/availability). Any changes required must be made to the Tournament Organiser before the closing date.
  14. Entrants do not need to be a full member of their golf club but must be able to offer dates to play on both week and weekends at their own course should they be drawn at home, otherwise they will forfeit home advantage.
  15. Entry Payment should be made online.
  16. All queries should be sent in the first instance to the Tournament office by email.
  17. All decisions concerning the championship rest with the Tournament Director whose decision in all matters is final.
  18. The Tournament Director reserves the right to change the National Final venue without prior notice should circumstances be deemed appropriate.

Handicaps and strokes

  1. The maximum handicap limit for both men and woman is 24; however, players with official handicaps 25+ may enter but must reduce to 24 for competition purposes (before any strokes are calculated).
  2. Strokes should be taken in line with WHS guidance.
  3. Current handicap certificates MUST be taken to each match and shown to the opponents before the match starts. If these are not available the game should still go ahead but opponents may request that proof of handicap be supplied to the Tournament Organiser within 24 hours of the match having been completed.
  4. Handicaps may increase/decrease throughout the season and you must play off your current handicap on the day of the match.
  5. It is the player’s responsibility to maintain an accurate record of their handicap.
  6. Each competitor must have a WHS handicap issued by an affiliated golf club and have played in a minimum of 6 handicap qualifying competitions during the calendar year. Handicaps must remain ACTIVE from the date of entry and throughout involvement in the competition. Current handicap certificates must be taken to each match and shown to the opponents before the match commences. If a competitor does not provide a handicap certificate on the day of the match he/she must provide proof of handicap to the Tournament director within 48 hours of completion of the match if requested by the opponents. The opponent will inform the tournament director of any such request. In order to preserve the integrity of the competition, the organisers’ reserve the right to disqualify any player or players from the tournament in the event that the tournament committee determines, in its absolute discretion, that a player’s handicap is inaccurate when compared with their actual playing ability. The tournament committee will determine whether a player’s handicap is inaccurate by taking into consideration any or all the following:
    • Handicap history review;
    • Previous tournament/competition results;
    • Current sanctions from any other national golf tournaments or from any County or National golf administrative bodies;
    • Judgement on the relevance of completed competitions within the past 12 months;
    • Complaints which are in the public domain and any other handicap inconsistencies that are brought to our attention

Playing the match

  1. Once you have registered and paid your entry fee you will be notified about your first round opponents shortly after the competition closing date.
  2. Players will receive notification of the draw by email from the Tournament Organiser. This will include details about opponents including contact details, the venue for the match and when it must be played.
  3. All players are responsible for contacting opponents to arrange a mutually agreeable date before the closing date of each round. If contact has not been made within 5 days of the draw being published the Tournament Organiser should be contacted without delay.
  4. The home side is responsible for ensuring play is possible at their course on the agreed date and time.
  5. If the home course is closed but the away course is open on the agreed date the venue should be switched, subject to availability. If neither course is open a neutral course may be used if this is mutually agreed by both sides with any green-fees split equally. Games should still go ahead if preferred lies, temporary tees or greens are in use.
  6. Both sides are responsible for knowing the local rules of the host golf course.
  7.  Both sides are required to provide at least 6 dates for playing each round (at least 3 of which are midweek and at least 3 on a weekend).
  8. The Tournament Organiser will disqualify any players who fail to complete their match by the deadline date.
  9. We strongly advise that matches are arranged and played ASAP in case of bad weather or other circumstances force the delay or postponement. Contact should be made with opponents within the first 2 days or the draws being announced.
  10. Extensions will not be granted unless at the absolute discretion of the tournament organiser.
  11. Players should consult the Tournament organiser ASAP if they have any problems arranging any match.
  12. In many cases the home clubs will support their members and offer courtesy of the course to visiting players. If for any reason they do not grant this then green-fees must be paid and shared equally between all players, usually at the member’s guest rate.
  13. The competition tees (normally white) should be used by men. Should the host golf club not allow visitors to play from the competition tee men should play from the general play tee  (normally yellow). Where there are two sets of competition tees (i.e. blue & white) it is at the discretion of the home side as to which are used, subject to approval from the host club.
  14. If the match is all-square at the completion of 36 holes the match goes into extra holes starting at the first, with strokes being taken as per the scorecard until a winner is determined.
  15. Each match is decided over 36 holes on a home and away basis with the score from the 1st leg carried over to the 2nd leg (ie Team 1 is 3up after 1st round, 2nd leg commences with Team 2, 3 down).
  16. If a match has to be abandoned (i.e. due to poor light or adverse weather) the round should be restarted from the place it was abandoned at a mutually convenient time but before the round closing date. When arranging the game we advise allowing plenty of time for fading light as extra holes may need to be played. Failure to complete the match before the deadline will result in disqualification.
  17. Once a date and time has been agreed if either side cancels the match within 72 hours of the agreed start time the opponents may claim the match. If more than 72 hours’ notice is given the match should be re-arranged at a mutually agreed time. Cancelling a match twice, or cancelling a match that is arranged within 7 days of the deadline, may be claimed by the opposition.
  18. Failure to play a match by the stated dates will result in the disqualification of both sides.
  19. The winner(s) in each round must notify the organiser by email before the closing date for each round. A confirmation email that the result has been received will be sent within 48 hours with details of your next opponent(s) if they are available.
  20. We do not operate a policy where the side returning their result first is more likely to receive home advantage.
  21. If a dispute arises and an agreement cannot be reached between opponents the Tournament Organiser should be contacted urgently and his decision will be final. If players fail to comply with the rules of the championship they will face disqualification.

Play during the winter season Course Status: The home player/pair have to ensure that the course is open for play and advise their opponents of any winter rule stipulations. If Winter Rules are in operation, this should not detract from the fair playing of a fixture. If the home course is unavailable for play or doesn’t meet the criteria identified below for the playing of a match the fixture should be played at the away course, providing it conforms to the acceptable winter rules conditions. Course closed on the fixture date: If the home course is closed or does not meet the acceptable Winter Rules conditions and the away course is open and does comply with the Winter Rules, the match should be played if available at the away players/pairs course. If both courses fail to meet the acceptable play conditions on the first agreed fixture date, an alternative date should be found to play at the home club, providing a date can be found within the fixture played by period or the home team may elect to play at a neutral venue however any greens fees payable will need to be met by the home player/pair. The home player/pair must notify their opponents if any winter rules are in operation prior to their opponents arriving at the venue. The opponents may agree or decline the playing of the match if any of the below stipulations are in operation. Should this be the case the opponents may then claim a home advantage. a) Carrying a piece of Astroturf mat around and playing from it. b) Generally dropping off the fairway in the semi-rough or rough. The odd fairway is acceptable if it is for course maintenance purposes. c) Generally teeing the ball up on the fairway. The odd fairway is acceptable if it is for course maintenance purposes d) Winter tees and greens are acceptable (maximum 6) as long as they do not alter the length of the course by more than 10%. If winter greens are in operation they must be cut to an appropriate height and the holes MUST be regulation size.

Qualifying rounds

First and subsequent rounds
  1. The first round will be played on a ‘home and away’ basis over 36 holes. Therefore golfers are guaranteed at least one round away from their home course.
  2. The draw will state who has home advantage in the first leg of the first round.
  3. If sudden-death is required in the first round this will take place at the venue of the second leg immediately after the completion of the 36th hole.
  4. A regional random draw will be made for home advantage in subsequent rounds which are to be played over 36 holes.
  5. After the draw has been made for home advantage the venue of the match cannot be changed unless both sides mutually agree to do so or if the home course is unavailable.
  6. Players will be notified of the draw and their opponents in each round by e-mail.
  7. Rounds played whilst winter rules are in operation should take place under the criteria of the host golf club.
  8. Should the host club have 6 or more winter greens in operation then the away team have the right to request changing the fixture venue.

Other rules

  1. Distance Measuring Devices (DMD’s) are allowed for competitors use. However, please note devices that also measure slope/gradient, temperature, wind-speed etc are not permitted regardless of whether such an additional function is used. Please see the Rules of Golf 14-3 for further information on this subject.
  2. Caddies are permitted unless they are a qualified PGA or LPGA professional.
  3. Buggies can be used provided advance permission has been granted by the host golf club.

Your data

We collect your details in two ways and use your information for the reasons listed below Collection of Data – 1. Visitors agree to provide their e-mail addresses as part of the entry form of the competition. 2. Subscribing to our newsletter or advising they would like information on other events owned by Muslim Golf Association. Use of data – Muslim Golf Association will use your data to inform you about information relating to the competition entered, for the purposes of the competition we will make your contact information available to your opponents, and we will at times contact you about other products owned by Muslim Golf Association. We will never sell or present your data to third parties


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